There is a unique story behind each Wind Phone that is best told by its creator and/or steward. No one can tell it the way they can, so to that end, the format for Featured Wind Phone stories is to share the creator/steward's responses to the interview questions verbatim in their own voice. Sharing our stories helps us to connect and heal and may inspire someone else to create or visit a Wind Phone.
Our Featured Wind Phone is in Clermont, Kentucky, at the Bernheim Forest & Arboretum. In 2021, Melanie Salisbury founded a grief walking group for people living with the loss of a partner or spouse, and this Wind Phone is a beautiful ripple of this group. Thank you to Melanie for sharing your beautiful Wind Phone and its story.
Where is your Wind Phone located?
Bernheim Forest & Arboretum,
2075 Clermont Road, Clermont, KY 40110
The wind phone is located on the Meditation Trail at the Sanctuary Stop. The trail is a 0.5-mile (easy) loop and can be entered from either side. There are benches throughout the trail. Park in the Education Center lot. A map of Bernheim can be obtained at the entrance guard gate and the attendant is also happy to give you directions. You can learn more about the trail at www.bernheim.org/trails-and-maps/
What year and month did you place your Wind Phone at this location?
July 2024
Why did you choose this location?
Bernheim Forest is a beautiful natural setting which provides a respite for grieving people, and all people in general. The Meditation trail is sponsored by the family of Lily Bannerjee in her honor and memory. The trail features six designated areas to stop, sit, and reflect, providing a place for people to be themselves free from the expectations often placed on grieving individuals.
Please see the blog describing the trail and the wind phone:
What year and month did you place your Wind Phone at this location?
July 2024
Is your Wind Phone is dedicated to or in memory of someone special?
The wind phone at Bernheim was born out of an outdoor grief walking group for people living with the loss of a spouse/partner. Melanie Salsbury founded the group in 2021 and continues to facilitate the walks. The group partnered with Bernheim Forest who generously offered to build and provide space for the phone based on a design created by Bill Bailey, one of the walking group’s members. Dick Dennis, also a member of the walking group and a talented nature guide and volunteer at Bernheim was integral in the coordination of the project. The box for the phone was made from beautiful cedar wood found on the grounds at Bernheim and blends beautifully into the landscape. Dr. Mark Wourms, Bernheim’s Executive Director immediately supported the idea of a wind phone understanding the importance of staying connected to those we love as part of the grieving process. The walking group and the team at Bernheim dedicated to phone with love to all who are grieving the loss of their loved ones.
Do you have any advice for someone thinking of creating a Wind Phone?
Choose a place where people visit because they love nature since nature often mirrors grief. Also, a place that offers some protection from decay or vandalism is a good choice.

I'd love to feature your phone! You can find all the information here to submit your Wind Phone.

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