There is a unique story behind each Wind Phone that is best told by its creator and/or steward. No one can tell it the way they can, so to that end, the format for Featured Wind Phone stories is to share the creator/steward's responses to the interview questions verbatim in their own voice. Sharing our stories helps us to connect and heal and may inspire someone else to create or visit a Wind Phone.
This week's Featured Phone is in Hillsboro Beach, Florida; Claudine Mourjan created this beautiful Wind Phone in honor of her son Ilan Zafran and mother Noelle Maljournal and all the children of healing heart Bobby’s Resciniti Foundation. Thank you, Claudine, for sharing your Wind Phone with us.
Claudine and I spoke a few weeks ago for the My Wind Phone Creators Series. over Zoom. She spoke with me at beautiful site of her Wind Phone. Claudine shared advice for those thinking of creating a Wind Phone. Please check back next week when I post our conversation.
Where is your Wind Phone located?
Hillsboro Beach, Florida
1210 Hillsboro Mile Hillsboro Beach, FL 33062
Located at the town hall behind the police station facing inter costal
What year and month did you place your Wind Phone at this location?
January 26th, 2024
Why did you choose this location?
My story is one of the members from my support group mentioned the wind phone and I started to do my homework in March 2023.I realized the impact of this amazing project. I started to investigate and knocked on doors as none was available on the east coast of Florida. After few months I requested to meet with the city manager of Hillsboro Beach Florida who was interested and kind enough to help me with this project. Then on January 26th, 2024, it was installed at the town hall behind the police station facing the inter coastal. A dream come true.
Is your Wind Phone dedicated or in memory of someone special?
It is in honor and memory of my son Ilan Zafran and my mom Noelle Maljournal and all the children of Bobby Resciniti’s Healing Hearts Foundation. Claudine's son, Ilan, died in May 2020. He was 30.
With appreciation to:
Town Manager Mac Serda, and John Passaya, who designed and built the structure.
Note from Amy:
Claudine and I connected almost a year ago when she began her Wind Phone journey. I read the following in the Sun Sentential News, "She (Claudine) is deeply moved whenever she observes a visitor at the booth. She said some even thank her on social media or leave her notes of gratitude. Mourjan visits the phone to speak to her son once each week.
“When I talk to him on the phone, the wind is taking my words to him,” she said. “After that, I feel at peace.”
Check back next week to see this gorgeous Wind Phone on Zoom and the next My Wind Phone Creators Series conversation.

I'd love to feature your phone! You can find all the information here to submit your Wind Phone.
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