There is a unique story behind each Wind Phone that is best told by its creator and/or steward. No one can tell it the way they can, so to that end, the format for Featured Wind Phone stories is to share the creator/steward's responses to the interview questions verbatim in their own voice. Sharing our stories helps us to connect and heal and may inspire someone else to create or visit a Wind Phone.
Our Featured Wind Phone is in Kent City, Michigan at the Howard Christensen Nature Center. The Wind Phone is in memory of Tracey Mayeda's parents; when she visits the Wind Phone, she dials her parents phone number that they had more than fifty years. Thank you to Kim, for sharing this beautiful Wind Phone in Kent City, Michigan.
Where is your Wind Phone located?
Howard Christensen Nature Center
16190 Red Pine Dr.
Kent City, MI 49330
The coordinates are 43.26083260, -85.68847920.
This map also details the location.

What year and month did you place your Wind Phone at this location?
May 2023
Why did you choose this location?
It is off a minor trail (marked with blue flags) for privacy and to lessen the chance of vandalism.
Is your Wind Phone is dedicated to or in memory of someone special?
In memory of Tracey Mayeda’s parents, Loretta and Richard Russell. They lived near the nature center and Tracey was involved for many years.
Do you have any advice for someone thinking of creating a Wind Phone?
Include a logbook and pen in a protected container. We have many people write notes.

I'd love to feature your phone! You can find all the information here to submit your Wind Phone.

Please Note: Visiting a Wind Phone location is at your own risk. We (My Wind Phone) cannot and do not assume any responsibility for your visit. See our Terms and Conditions.