There is a unique story behind each Wind Phone that is best told by its creator and/or steward. No one can tell it the way they can, so to that end, the format for Featured Wind Phone stories is to share the creator/steward's responses to the interview questions verbatim in their own voice. Sharing our stories helps us to connect and heal and may inspire someone else to create or visit a Wind Phone.
This Featured Wind Phone is in Willowick, Ohio; Elizabeth created this Wind Phone in memory of her son, Teddy. She founded a non-profit in memory of him called A Touch of Teddy with an incredible mission.
"A Touch of Teddy - a 501(c)3 Nonprofit Organization - seeks to give comfort to families who have experienced pregnancy/infant loss by providing teddy bear ornaments for loss families for the holidays."
Thank you, Elizabeth, for sharing your Wind Phone with us.
Where is your Wind Phone located?
Willowick, Ohio
Lake County Children’s Memorial Butterfly Garden – Manry Park 30100 Arnold Rd. Willowick, OH 44095
What year and month did you place your Wind Phone at this location?
September 2024
Why did you choose this location?
This location is special to me and other grievers as this is a children’s memorial garden. Many families have a “Butterfly” with their child’s name on the large concrete walls that are the center of the garden.
Is your Wind Phone dedicated or in memory of someone special?
My Wind Phone is dedicated to my son, Theodore “Teddy” Russell Michalski, who was stillborn on October 6th, 2018.
I run a nonprofit in his honor supporting families who’ve experienced pregnancy & infant loss.
Is there anything you would like to share that I didn't think of asking?
Have fun with it! Not every phone is the same and it was really healing for me to get creative with the box, finding something that was different and perfect for our setup. My box is purple, and I decorated it with butterfly decals to add to the feel of the butterfly garden!

Note from Amy: October is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month and Elizabeth is very busy sending out teddy bear ornaments around the world.
I'd like to share this article about Elizabeth's mission published on News 5 Cleveland
"A Willowick mother has touched thousands of lives by sending love and a teddy bear hug to women and families grieving pregnancy and infant loss. Elizabeth Michalski has sent thousands of teddy bear ornaments across the country and the world to support women and families who have experienced this kind of loss. Michalski started her nonprofit "A Touch of Teddy" in 2023, named in honor of her first-born son, Theodore. After struggling with infertility, Michalski and her husband lost Theodore just shy of 22 weeks in 2018. Read more here.
If you'd like more information, please visit A Touch of Teddy - Home.
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