This week's Featured Phone is located in Savigné L’Evêque, France; Florence Gillard created this beautiful phone; you'll enjoy her story. Thank you, Florence, for sharing your Wind Phone with us.
Weekly, I shine a light on the story of a beautifully created and placed Wind Phone. Sharing our stories makes a difference because it's in doing so that we connect and heal. To not cloud the Wind Phone creator's message, the format for Featured Phones is to share their answers to the interview questions verbatim.
Where is your Wind Phone located?
This wind phone is located at 17bis Place de l’ Eglise, Savigné L’Evêque. When you arrive at the number 17bis, take the lane leading to the river, you will find the wind phone at the end of the lane on your right. The lane is very narrow, but this is the way to go!
Why did you choose this location?
I chose this place because it's calm and conducive to meditation. The river brings its share of comfort, and you may come across a few ducks. Depending on the time of day, you can sometimes hear life in the square opposite. In the evening or early in the morning, this little corner of nature is all yours. you'll find your answers here.
What year and month did you place your Wind Phone at this location?
I've just placed this wind phone, in June 2023
Is your Wind Phone dedicated or in memory of someone special?
I read Laura Imai Messina's book, which really moved me. I wanted to find out more about this phone and then I discovered the story of Itaru Sasaki. After a bit of research on the net, I came across Amy Dawson and Dina Stander, who both encouraged me in this project. I also sent a picture of the telephone to the author, who kindly replied. So I made up my mind, thinking of my 98-year-old grandmother, who is still alive but in very fragile health. I told her about the phone, and she said it was a good idea, and that way we'd always have a link. Last April, she said to me, you'll soon be using your phone.
Do you have any advice for someone thinking of creating a Wind Phone?
Do it. Allow yourself the catharsis to talk to someone you can no longer talk to.

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