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Featured Wind Phone ~ Kassel, Germany

Writer's picture: Amy DawsonAmy Dawson

There is a unique story behind each Wind Phone that is best told by its creator and/or steward. No one can tell it the way they can, so to that end, the format for Featured Wind Phone stories is to share the creator/steward's responses to the interview questions verbatim in their own voice. Sharing our stories helps us to connect and heal and may inspire someone else to create or visit a Wind Phone.


telephone of the wind, wind phone, my wind phone, featured wind phone

This week's Featured Phone is in Kessler, Germany. “The Wind Phone is an initiative of the project Hier im Quartier of Kulturzentrum Schlachthof in cooperation with Friedhofsverwaltung Kassel and the Museum für Sepulkralkultur. The Wind Phone and all connected events are funded by the city of Kassel.” Thank you, Dan, for sharing this Wind Phone with us. 


Where is your Wind Phone located?

Hauptfriedhof Kassel

Tannenheckerweg 6

34127 Kassel, Germany


The Wind Phone stands approximately 100 meters from the main cemetery entrance on the left side.

What year and month did you place your Wind Phone at this location?

December 2023

Why did you choose this location?

The Hauptfriedhof Kassel is the primary cemetery in Kassel, situated in northern-holland, the most densely populated area in the city. This beautiful park features a diverse botanical garden open to visitors of all belief systems. Aptly named “a place for the living” it serves as a wonderful aphorism to maintain a connection with those we have lost.

Is your Wind Phone dedicated or in memory of someone special?

As a sociocultural center focusing on migration and integration, Kulturzentrum Schlachthof accompanies and supports people who have often experienced war, displacement, violence, and death. We hope that you’ll be able some solace and peace within the Wind Phone.

Furthermore, this Wind Phone is dedicated to a society that needs to learn how to talk about their losses. Our grief is non-negotiable. You love, you grieve – that’s the deal that we have all signed up for. In monthly art workshops we want to give people the opportunity to explore their grief and share parts of it with the public in the surrounding area of the Wind Phone. Your loss has meaning and deserves to be seen.

Do you have any advice for someone thinking of creating a Wind Phone?

Don’t get frustrated by setbacks. When you believe in your project, time and place will come.

Is there anything you'd like to share that I didn't think of adding to this list of questions?

“How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.”

-Winnie the Pooh

telephone of the wind, wind phone, my wind phone


I'd love to feature your phone! You can find all the information here to submit your Wind Phone.

Please Note: Visiting a Wind Phone location is at your own risk. We (My Wind Phone) cannot and do not assume any responsibility for your visit. See our Terms and Conditions.



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